Wednesday, May 12, 2010


These fish belong to the Perciformes Suborder Callionymoidei Order and as members of the family Callionymidae (dragonets) consisting of 11 genera and 155 species. It is one of the most desirable fish for reef tanks more. They do well in this type environment with live rock, hiding places and a steady supply of small crustaceans. In fact, they should be kept in a large aquarium where there is a constant supply of live food, otherwise they will starve. Many women may be kept in the same aquarium, but two men will fight until one remains. They are extremely colorful, peaceful, fairly robust, and generally inexpensive.

Dragonets are amazing fish which are often sought in the hobby. But they are very demanding in their needs and, as such, are recommended for advanced hobbyists who are ready to meet their needs.

Dragonets Many are surprisingly colorful and several species have been successfully kept by aquarists. Two of the species most common in the aquarium trade are dragonet Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus, formerly known as Pterosynchiropus splendidus) and Ocellated dragonet (Synchiropus ocellatus). Both are normally kept in reef aquariums because they do not interfere or injure corals. Ideally, they should not be placed in aquaria without significant quantities of live rock.

Most are specialized and dragonets finicky eaters who only eat live food in the aquarium. dragonets Many died of hunger rather than accept dead food. It is therefore preferable to keep dragonets in large aquariums (at least 55 gallons / 200 liters) inhabited by large and prosperous population of amphipods and copepods. You can also try feeding your dragonets live brine shrimp and Mysis shrimp, but they could not eat it.

Dragonets are mainly in the tropical Indo-West Pacific. They are benthic creatures, meaning they spend most of their time on or near the bottom. Dragonets were found up a debt of about 200 meters (650 feet) and prefers rocky or sandy. Some species are found near coral reefs.

dragonets males are very territorial towards each other.

Monday, May 10, 2010


These fish belong to the Suborder and Order Perciformes Percoidei as family members Microdesmidae (Dartfish & Wormfishes) consists of two subfamilies, 10 genera and 73 species. Often referred to as "Gobies" However, they are family members Microdesmidae Dartfish. These fish feed on zooplankton, generally flat and open water, but about the safety of an area where they can quickly withdraw if it feels threatened. They like the security of getting caught in tight places for a restful night. Unfortunately, the nocturnal predators such as crabs may be an evening snack. One per tank is sometimes recommended because they can be very quarrelsome among themselves, but small groups have been maintained successfully.

make excellent aquarium species. They differ gobies future and represents an excellent addition to a marine set-up.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

How to conserve water in your aquarium cool

Our focus when we keep an aquarium in our homes is the well-being of fish and invertebrates we maintain. And the first step to note, while preparing a list of aquarium accessories for the well-being of the occupants aquarium is to keep the room relatively cool aquarium, especially for aquariums. The ideal temperature for most fish tanks only between 76 degrees and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have fish in the aquarium and the aquarium is filled correctly with aquarium supplies, you just have a 2-6 degree drop in temperature. This will depend on the type of aquarium you keep the temperature drop required to cool the tank.

With fish, it is not always the high temperature that kills. Many dead fish in tanks overheated because of low dissolved oxygen (DO) in water. The warmer water, less dissolved oxygen (DO), it will hold.

Here are some tips to keep your cool water aquarium for your little friends to survive for a long period.

1. If your aquarium is well covered, open the door on your tank, and place the nylon netting on the openings to prevent fish from jumping. This allows heat from escaping. You can contribute to this process further by directing the air flow of a small fan on top of the tank.

2. Close the shades on the windows of the room. Even indirect light will raise the temperature by a degree or two and every little bit counts. You can also reduce the amount of time lighting aquarium. Lights in the reservoir will greatly contribute to a higher temperature. Do not let the lights all the time well. It's bad for fish too! If you have a planted freshwater aquarium, which requires at least eight hours of daylight, you can have no other choice but to buy an air conditioner or cooler to solve your heat.

3. Aerate your aquarium tanks with a strong air pump! This will help to increase the gas exchange surface waters, thus contributing to raising the levels of dissolved oxygen. It will also help the heat exchange surface.

4. Do not unplug your aquarium heater! It is a common mistake that backfires often. An aquarium heater working properly extinguished when the aquarium is the proper temperature. Unplugging the unit can cause the temperature to drop too far into the night in situations where it is warm during the day but cool at night and the windows in the room the aquarium is open.

5. If your aquarium equipment is in a closed cabinet stand below your aquarium, open the cabinet doors and put a fan circulating air in the box office to allow the heat generated by aquarium pumps to escape to

6. Buy an air conditioner! Sometimes the only solution. The cost of operating an air conditioner for a few months is a small price to pay to keep our finned friends alive.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Choosing the Right Fishtank - A freshwater or Seawater

An aquarium can be a great addition to your home decor. If you are looking to add a certain level of style and beauty to your home or office, an aquarium can do. While deciding to choose an aquarium for your home that you have requested that we choose. There are endless possibilities when setting up an aquarium in your own home. If you install the aquarium for the first time, you need to know many tit bits to keep fish in good health and a comfortable environment.

For those who are new to the domestication of fish, starting with a small tank with less number of fish is a good idea. This gives them time to understand the needs and training in many aspects that must be met before installing a fish tank or building a fish pond. For starters, the tank will need a pond pump, lights, hood to prevent fish jumping, a filter to keep the water clean, water testing kit for PH water levels etc. and when switching to a larger tank or pond to fish You'll need accessories such as pumps for many aquarium tanks, pond filters and pumps, pond liners, fountains, garden fountains and many ponds and aquarium supplies.

Know lets talk about which to choose, a freshwater aquarium or saltwater. Many people choose a freshwater aquarium to a saltwater aquarium without really seeking the advantages and disadvantages of both. In my opinion, if you have a good budget to invest in your aquarium needs, then you should definitely look into a saltwater aquarium. While people tend to move in the direction of freshwater due to the fact that it is much cheaper, the beauty and variety to have a saltwater aquarium offers no easy exceeded.

In addition, in a saltwater aquarium, you have a greater variety of tropical fish to choose. Clownfish, Fish Hawk, Blue Tang, and many varieties can be higher in a saltwater aquarium. Tropical fish are bright and colorful and lively, all things you need in an aquarium to help you feel better in your living space and more. The fish you can have in a saltwater aquarium are much more exotic and beautiful than anything a freshwater aquarium could house.

Maintenance is another factor to be considered while choosing a tropical aquarium for your home. If you do not have time to engage in the maintenance aquarium with a saltwater aquarium is a bad idea. There are people that tend to move in the direction of freshwater due to the fact that it is an alternative much cheaper and require less maintenance and cleaning. Whatever type you choose an aquarium adds a touch of your personal data to a home or office.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Damselfish are generally considered fish saltwater aquarium more resistant. Diverse, playful and beautiful, the girls are cute.

Some of the best fish for beginners in marine aquarium belong to the ladies. Several types are bright, active and extremely robust. They are found in coral reefs in the world, sometimes in large schools, where they feed on algae, plankton and small invertebrates.

Most girls grow only 2 inches or more, but some species, like the girl Garibaldi can reach over a foot long! Maids are very tolerant of all types of water conditions and therefore, they are commonly used to cycle an aquarium.

Their tank should be decorated with lots of rocks and caves to hide in. Demoiselles eagerly devour all kinds of food and they should be offered a varied diet of meat dishes and vegetables to both products.

Although generally not bother other fish, most young ladies are extremely combative toward their own kind and should be housed individually (unless you have a large tank where each fish may establish its own territory).

Maids have been successfully bred in captivity, but it is not easy. After spawning, the male is generally supported and protect the eggs. After one week, the eggs hatch and the fry should be removed from their own tank. They need clean water and a very special diet of rotifers until they are old enough to be fed baby brine shrimp.