Thursday, April 15, 2010


Fish are among the most colorful and peaceful pastime with a long history of success in captivity. They are fascinating to watch because of their particular penchant for registration as swimming, and they are robust.

Basslet are very popular among marine aquarists because of their bright colors, small size and ease of maintenance. Although they belong to the family of fish including giant grouper predators, basslet only reach a length of not more than 2-4 inches.

They are mostly near the western Atlantic, where they live in and around coral reefs and hunting for zooplankton and other small creatures. In the home aquarium, basslet should be supplied with plenty of rocks and caves where they will be in Dart at the first sign of danger.

They are generally hardy fish, but still require a good filtration and water quality high. Their diet should include a variety of high quality protein based foods such as mysid shrimp, brine shrimp, krill, etc.

Many species of basslet are very territorial and can be aggressive towards similar fish research, it is preferable to one house per tank (unless you have a large tank with many rock structures to fall back on). They should not be kept with aggressive species or predators, or they will probably end up as a little snack!

Basslet have been bred in captivity successfully, but it is not easy to accomplish. It is difficult to distinguish between the sexes, although some men will be larger and brighter color. After hatching, the fry go through a larval stage and need food and specialized care

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