Sunday, April 18, 2010


It is difficult to generalize about. But something can be said with certainty: the right blenny bring personality and diversity to almost any tank.

Blennies curious looking little fish, with long thin bodies and large heads with cirrus (tiny growths of hair-like) near the eyes. Some species can be very colorful while others are dull and covered with spots and stripes to blend into their environment. They are bottom fish, and especially housing might be found in ponds and shallow waters of coral reefs worldwide.

Most feed on algae blennies and small invertebrates, but there are species that mimic and cleaner fish is taking a bite of fish unsuspecting others! Blennies are generally hardy fish, easy maintenance and does not require a large tank.

They require a lot of rocks and caves to hide in and where they spend much of their time. Where possible, live rock should be used so they have to graze on algae.

Blennies should be fed a variety of fresh and prepared foods that include both protein and vegetable matter.

Unfortunately, most blennies are very territorial and constantly fighting if more than one species per tank. They should be kept with other peaceful, non-cohabiting predators.

Blennies are difficult to breed in captivity. In general, it is not possible to distinguish between the sexes, although men sometimes will be larger and have better color than females. In general, they spawn in caves and guard the eggs until they hatch. After hatching, the fry go through several steps, including the planktonic stages before metamorphosing into their adult form.

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